The Culture Game
You get to get into the game but you need to understand the rules of the cultural game.
Cultural challenges will happen.
What you need to do is wire our brain to be connected to yourself, your culture, build cultural consciousness and cultural competence.
Peak stase Peak state vs. louse state, Energy rich vs. Energy poor. Swap peak states to beautiful state.
Beautiful state: Love, joy, gratitude, drive courage, faith, playfulness, fun.
Suffering states/low energy states: frustration, sadness, anger, resentment, loneliness, boardroom. Make a decision to live in a beautiful state even if it rains and things do not go well.
Your brain is a 2 million year old brain, it is not designed to make you happy, it is designed to make you survive. But there is no Saiber Tooth Tiger for you to react to, so you think about, what do people think about me, do i have enough money, etc.
In this country in America, if you are in poverty and make the least amount of money, you are in the 1% of earners in the earth because 75% of the peel on the planet live under $2.50 per day.
You can't build on failure, you can only build on success.
90 second rule getting rid of suffering: The only time you is when you believe a stressful though.
3 Triggers to suffering: Lose, less, never. Once you believe this shit, its true because you don't appreciate it, you want solve it. The antidote to it is realize it is not you.(Maybe another antidote it realizing that it is not true.) That person screwed up, and screwed me out of all these things, when those things happen and you suffer, it puts you in a mood where what you really suffering about is yourself. Its the me, me, me that makes you suffer. The antidote to lose, less, never is appreciation. Trade your expectation to your appreciation your whole life changes. Your happiness will never last as long it has expectation behind it.
Make a decision you will live in a beautiful sate. The way to do it is to catch yourself then you start getting that stress, let it go and see the idea to go by.
Ask ppl, tell me your most stressful though? Oh, I'm worried about this may happen, many of you worried about that? 'everybody' I might not make it financially, many are you worried about that? 'everybody' My point is, it is not your thought, it is the mind. Not your mind! When you think it is your mind, you identify with it and you cant separate from yourself. But when you realize, these thought have been around for millions of years, and I'm just thinking the same thought that so many people have though before.
3 triggers to Cultural engagement: